I'm trying to use the Kendo Grid in ASP.NET Core MVC application to do multi-select function, first column of the grid being a checkbox column.
My grid has 50 records spread across 5 pages. I have 2 items selected in the first page, 1 item selected in the 2nd page. I use DataBound event to pre-select rows from database. I save the data with a button click (outside the grid) using grid.selectedKeyNames() and post the data to database using a custom Ajax method.
I get all 3 selected ID's in grid.selectedKeyNames() as long as I navigate to second page after the initial load of the grid. If I don't go to the 2nd page of the grid and try to get selectedKeyNames, it returns only selected items from the first page. I always have to go to all the pages where items are pre-selected once to get the grid working.
Have anyone experienced this error before. Appreciate any quick workaround/solution to this problem.
Kendo UI version: v2019.2.619
//Here is my Razor syntax.
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.Checked).Width(20).ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox' #=Checked ? checked='checked' :'' # class='chkbx' />").Hidden();
columns.Bound(p => p.IndustryId).Hidden();
columns.Bound(p => p.IndustryName).Width(100);
.Events(ev => ev
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Model(model => model.Id(p => p.IndustryId))
.Read(read => read.Action("GetIndustryList", "xxxxxxxxxxxxx").Data("SearchData"))
.NoRecords(x => x.Template("<div class='empty-grid'></div>"))
//Trying to get the selected key names on a button click
$('#btnSave').on('click', function () {
var grid = $('#IndustryGrid').data('kendoGrid');
// Function to pre-load selected rows from database
function onDataBound(arg) {
var grid2 = this;
var rows = grid2.items();
$(rows).each(function (e) {
var row = this;
var dataItem = grid2.dataItem(row);
if (dataItem.Checked)