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Grid scrolls behind a modal window in Safari

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Jonny asked on 08 Mar 2017, 11:56 AM

As the titles says, you can try it for your self in your own demo, with an IPad.

Open the popup for editing and you can still scroll the grid in the background. You can also try to move the popup, but instead you scroll the grid.

This is a big problem if the modal window is so big that you have to move/scroll the window. If you try to do that you only scroll the grid behind the modal window and everything seems stuck...

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Telerik team
answered on 10 Mar 2017, 08:07 AM
Hello Jonny,

Thank you for reporting this.

I can confirm that this is an issue with the current version of Kendo UI Grid.

I created an issue in our GitHub repository and forwarded it to our developers for fixing. You can track its progress at:

Please have in mind that currently, there is no available workaround for it, but if one is available it will be added GitHub.

Additionally, I updated your Telerik points for bringing this to our attention.

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