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grid scrollable even when set to false and paging turned on...

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Brian asked on 24 Apr 2014, 01:56 PM
Hi.  I have a grid displaying using the following code.  As you can see, I have scrollable set to false and pageable set to true.  The pagesize is 6...  The problem is that even if I only have one row displaying in the grid, it still allows for scrolling.  The reason this is particularly problematic is that when I touch the screen, I may accidentally scroll it.  This has the unfortunate effect of making the keyboard pop up on the tablet device every time.  I would like to be able to solve both of these issues.  Please advise.  Thanks!

        <div id="clientsDb">
            <div id="gridViewDiv"></div>
        <style scoped>
                height: 100%;
                width: 100%;
                margin 0px auto 0;
                padding: 0px 0px 0 0px;

            var dataSource = new{
              data: viewModel.itemsArray,
              pageSize: 6
            //gridview div for the main grid
                        dataSource: dataSource,
                        mobile: "tablet",
                        //height: ? "24em" : 430,
                        resizable: false,
                        //toolbar: ["create"],
                        columns: [
                            { field:"ItemDesc", title: "Item" },
                            { field: "QtyOrdered", title:"Qty",  width: "35px" },
                            { field: "ItemPrice", title:"Price", format: "{0:c}", width: "60px" },
                            { field: "PriceUOM", title:"Per", width: "35px" },
                            { field: "OrderAmount", title:"Order Amt", format: "{0:c}", width: "60px" },
                            { command: [{text: "qty", click: editRow}, {text: "remove", click: deleteRow}], title: "&nbsp;", width: "165px" }
                        editable: "inline",
                        filterable: true,
                        sortable: true,
                        height: 320,
                        pageable: true,
                        scrollable: false,
                        columnMenu: true,
                        dataBound: function () {
                           $('td').each(function(){if($(this).text()=='0' || $(this).text()=='$0.00'){$(this).addClass('gridCellClass')}})

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Kiril Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 28 Apr 2014, 07:11 AM
Hello Brian,

The scrolling that you see is the default mobile kinetic scrolling. I have made a video, please confirm if this is what you are talking about:

This scrolling cannot be stopped as it comes from the mobile device platform default scrolling.

Kiril Nikolov
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answered on 28 Apr 2014, 02:12 PM
Yes, this video shows exactly the behavior I am seeing.  Since this can't be disabled, is there any way to programmatically prevent the keyboard from popping up?  I'm using a bluetooth scanner so when I scan, I inject the text into a hidden input.  This is also making the keyboard popup at times just like the scrolling grid view.  Any ideas?
Kiril Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 30 Apr 2014, 07:02 AM
Hello Brian,

I was not able to reproduce the case where the keyboard pops up when the grid is scrolled. Would it be possible to provide a runnable sample where the issue is reproduced, so we can see what exactly happens and advise your further?

Thank you in advance for this.

Kiril Nikolov
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
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answered on 30 Apr 2014, 03:15 PM
Unfortunately, no.  The problem happens when I'm running on an Android device directly...  Are you aware of any way to simply prevent the keyboard from showing up when an input gets focus?  I think if I can prevent the keyboard from popping up, it would be enough to resolve the issue...
Kiril Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 01 May 2014, 12:56 PM
Hi Brian,

A possible workaround that I can think of is disabling the input so the user cannot click inside of it, like in this example that I created:

Kiril Nikolov
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answered on 01 May 2014, 01:16 PM
No, this won't work because if it is disabled then it cannot have focus.  I need it to have focus so that the barcode scanner can inject the text into it.  This is why I don't want the keyboard to show up.  There is no keyboard necessary as, for this particular input, the scanner itself behaves as the keyboard and sends the barcode via keystrokes through a USB wedge.  

Is there an android config.xml equivalent of KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction?  Apparently this works for IOS but not for Android.  I'm looking for something similar....
Kiril Nikolov
Telerik team
answered on 01 May 2014, 01:53 PM
Hello Brian,

I am afraid that this falls outside the scope of the Kendo UI support services and we will not be able to assist you on this matter. Please note that the standard support services are related to the Kendo UI core functionality of the components, but not custom implementations.

In case you have any Kendo UI related queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kiril Nikolov
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
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Kiril Nikolov
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