3 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hello Jim,
From the provided information we are not sure what is the exact reason for the issue. Could you demonstrate it with small isolated runnable example that we could inspect locally?
Regards,Dimiter Madjarov

the example consists of a partial view with a fluent api generated grid that is binded to a model, the datasource is set to server.
then the partial view is rendered in a main view based on a button click and data load.
One thing is to make a template column like i did:
.Columns(col =>
col.Bound(p => p.Selected).HtmlAttributes(new { @style = "padding-left: 5px;" }).ClientTemplate("<input @(item.Selected ? \"checked='checked'\" : \"\") value='selected' type='checkbox' />");
col.Bound(p => p.CampCode).HtmlAttributes(new { @style = "padding-left: 8px;" });
col.Bound(p => p.CampName).Title("Account Users").HtmlAttributes(new { @style = "padding-left: 5px;" });
.Selectable(select=> select.Mode(GridSelectionMode.Single).Type(GridSelectionType.Row))
.Scrollable(src => src.Height(260))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Model(model => model.Id(p => p.CampID))
Hello Jim,
In order to assist we would need an isolated runnable example that we could inspect on our end in order to reproduce the issue. If the problem is still reproducing, please provide such example, so we could debug it.
Regards,Dimiter Madjarov