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Grid on Window - problem with reopening in IE9

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Igor asked on 02 Jan 2013, 03:50 PM
I'm trying to open Grid on Window. It works fine for the first time, but when i close the window and try to reopen it i get DOM Exception: NOT_FOUND_ERR(8). This problem occurs only in IE (It works fine in Chrome and Firefox).

I have grid "reservationGrid" with custom command on last column, which opens window with details. In pop-up window i'm trying to show grid "membersGrid". As i said before it works fine for the first time, but when i close the window and try to reopen it, it shows the Grid but it fails to load the content from "members".

var members = [{ Ime: "John", Priimek: "Novak", KrajRojstva: "London", DatumRojstva: new Date(1987, 4, 19) }];
                    var memberDataSource = new{
                        pageSize: 30,
                        data: members,
                        autoSync: true,
                        schema: {
                            model: {
                                fields: {
                                    Ime: { editable: true },
                                    Priimek: { editable: true },
                                    KrajRojstva: { editable: true },
                                    DatumRojstva: { editable: true, type: "date" }
                        dataSource: dataSource,
                        groupable: true,
                        sortable: true,
                        pageable: {
                            refresh: true,
                            pageSizes: true
                        columns: [
                            { field: "Location",    width: 70,      title: "Lokacija"   },
                            { field: "Unit",        width: 70,      title: "Enota"      },
                            { field: "Capacity",    width: 40,      title: "Osebe"      },
                            { field: "From",        width: 60,      title: "Od"   , type:"date" , template: "#=kendo.toString(From, 'd.M.yyyy') #" ,format:"d.M.yyyy" },
                            { field: "To",          width: 60,      title: "Do"   , type:"date" , template: "#=kendo.toString(To, 'd.M.yyyy') #" ,format:"d.M.yyyy" },
                            { command: { text: "Rezerviraj", click: showDetails }, title: " ", width: "50px" }
                    wnd = $("#detail-container")
                           title: "Podrobnosti o rezervaciji",
                           modal: true,
                           visible: false,
                           resizable: false,
                           actions: ["close"],
                           width: 750,
                           height: 500
                    function showDetails(e) {
                        var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
                        detailsTemplate = kendo.template($("#reservationDetail").html());
                            dataSource: memberDataSource,
                            sortable: true,
                            toolbar: ["create"],
                            columns: [
                                { field: "Ime", width: 50, title: "Ime" },
                                { field: "Priimek", width: 50, title: "Priimek" },
                                { field: "KrajRojstva", width: 50, title: "Kraj Rojstva" },
                                { field: "DatumRojstva", width: 60, title: "Datum Rojstva", type: "date", template: "#=kendo.toString(DatumRojstva, 'd.M.yyyy') #", format: "d.M.yyyy" },
                                { command: {name: "destroy", text:"zbrisi"} , width: "50px" }
                            editable: true
<div id="reservationGrid" class="kendo-grid"></div>
<div id="detail-container" ></div>
<script type="text/x-kendo-tmpl" id="reservationDetail">
   <div id="top-wrapper">
<div id="table" class="reservationDetail-table">
  <table width:"300px">
       <td>Location: <div class="reservationDetail-property">#= Location #</div></td>
       <td>Unit: <div class="reservationDetail-property">#= Unit #</div></td>
       <td>Od: <div class="reservationDetail-property">#= kendo.toString(From, "d.M.yyyy") #</div>
       <td>Do: <div class="reservationDetail-property">#= kendo.toString(To, "d.M.yyyy") #</div>
<div id="button-confirmReservation">
    <a class="k-button k-button-icontext " href="\\#"><span class="k-icon k-update">             </span>Confirm</a>

      <div id="membersGrid" class="kendo-gridMembers"></div>
Thanks in advance!

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Iliana Dyankova
Telerik team
answered on 04 Jan 2013, 03:14 PM
Hi Igor,

In order to avoid the observed behavior you shouldn't recreate the membersGrid every time the "Rezerviraj" button is clicked. For your convenience I prepared a simple jsFiddle example which demonstrates a possible implementation. 
Iliana Nikolova
the Telerik team
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