Hello we are using kwindow service as described here: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/AngularJS/how-to/window-service
We experience the followoing issues, regarding keyboard accessibility:
1.We have grid inside window, and one of the columns of that grid is a dropdown. to access this dropdown, we press Enter and Alt + arrow up. This behavior is different (and even incorrect), from outside modal, where enter and arrow down is enough. We want a way to achieve same behavior inside modal.
2. we want to prevent access to underlying screen when the modal is open.
3. I noticed that sometimes when editing cells, and the user presses shift + Tab, there focusing cell jumps elsewhere, I even could see this in a demo (try to check /uncheck a checkbox with keyboard only)
Here: http://jsbin.com/kuzezelada/edit?html,js,output
Is there a way to ensure the focus goes to previous cell? (the user moves between cells with tabs/shit+tabs.
Thank you in advanve