Let me explain my scenario for better understanding:
- my Model contains a list of products. All these products are displayed in GridView
- there is a nested detail template with TabStrip for each product
- one tab/item of this TabStrip contains all ebay auctions of this product in another GridView
ie. something like this http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/grid/detailtemplate
My view in razor syntax:
@model List<Site.Models.Products>
// main model
// first grid which lists all products
// nested template
<script id=
.Items(items =>
// this variable is from Site.Models.Products
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.strEbayID);
// this variable is from Site.Models.EbayAuctions
But I don't want to display the strEbayID just like that, I want to display a link to the actual auction on the Ebay website.
The closest I got was this (replacing the above column):
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.strEbayID).ClientTemplate(
"<a href=\"http://www.sandbox.ebay.com/itm/\">"
I couldn't solve this yet and I am running out of ideas. But I should be pretty close I guess. Can you help me?
With kind regards...