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Grid in HTML form; overriding editor for DateTime

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Jason asked on 02 Aug 2019, 02:44 AM

I am using the following in a HTML form, where Model.SecheduledActions is a List<ScheduledAction> that contains a member that is a DateTime.

02.          .Name("ScheduledItems")
03.          .Columns(c =>
04.          {
05.              c.Bound(p => p.Id).Hidden().ClientTemplate("#= Id #" +
06.                  "<input type='hidden' name='ScheduledActions[#= index(data)#].Id' value='#= Id #' />"
07.              );;
08.              c.Bound(p => p.Cylinders).ClientTemplate("#= Cylinders #" +
09.                  "<input type='hidden' name='ScheduledActions[#= index(data)#].Cylinders' value='#= Cylinders #' />"
10.              );
11.              c.Bound(p => p.ScheduledDate).ClientTemplate("#= ScheduledDate #" +
12.                  "<input type='hidden' name='ScheduledActions[#= index(data)#].ScheduledDate' value='#= ScheduledDate #' />"
13.              );
14.          })
16.          .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax()
17.              .Model(model =>
18.              {
19.                  model.Id(p => p.Id);
20.                  model.Field(p => p.Id).Editable(false);
21.              })
22.              .ServerOperation(false)
23.          ))

However when this data is submitted, the datetime is DateTime.Min, and I have no way of editing the datetime in the grid to begin with.
How might I go about 1) being able to select a date for the ScheduledDate member, and 2) Specify the type of editor for that column?

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answered on 05 Aug 2019, 01:59 PM
Hi Jason,

In order to be able to edit a column in the Kendo Grid, you should set the grid's editable configuration option: 

.Columns(c =>
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax()
.Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InCell))

This will allow the cells to be editable once you click on them.

By default, the date (datetime) cells have a Kendo UI date (datetime) picker editor. If you wish to use a custom editor for a column, you can follow the instructions in our Kendo Grid Custom Editing Demo for MVC page.

I hope this helps.

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