My problem is as follows , I have a grid inside a tab which I am setting it height via the on select event of the tab.
This works well when I am clicking directly on the tabs.
However when I want to make it a little more advanced by clicking a button i tab 1, it should load some new data in a grid in tab 2 and tab 2 should be displayed. Here is the code I use for that
This will then trigger the onSelect function. But the rendering is not working. I have noticed that removing the
My problem is as follows , I have a grid inside a tab which I am setting it height via the on select event of the tab.
function onSelect() {
//var reviewCategoryGrid = $("#ReviewCategoryGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var gridItem = $("#ReviewItemGrid");
var gridItemGrid = $("#ReviewItemGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var gridCategory = $("#ReviewCategoryGrid");
var gridCategoryGrid = $("#ReviewCategoryGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var dataAreaCategory = gridCategory.find(".k-grid-content");
var dataArea = gridItem.find(".k-grid-content");
var newGridHeight = 600;
var newDataAreaHeight = newGridHeight - 100;
// gridItemGrid.refresh();
// gridCategoryGrid.refresh();
However when I want to make it a little more advanced by clicking a button i tab 1, it should load some new data in a grid in tab 2 and tab 2 should be displayed. Here is the code I use for that
function selectReviewCategory(reviewCategoryID, category) {
reviewCategoryId = reviewCategoryID;
//reviewCategoryTitle = Title;
var reviewItemGrid = $("#ReviewItemGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var tabstrip = $("#tabstrip").data("kendoTabStrip");
//var tabContent = $("#tabStrip").data("kendoTabStrip").contentElements(0);
var tabReview = $("#reviewCategoriesTab");
This will then trigger the onSelect function. But the rendering is not working. I have noticed that removing the
reviewItemGrid.dataSource.read(); line the rendering is ok (but of course with no data).
I have tried to move the tabstrip.select statement to the change event of the datasource of the grid. But that did not have an effect. What shall I do ?