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Grid filterable behavior criticisms

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Gary asked on 01 Nov 2013, 03:20 PM

The Kendo widgets are very impressive overall, but I’d like to share some critical observations of the grid filterable functionality:
  1. When setting a filterable property such as extra: false, all columns are automatically assumed to be filterable. This reverses the default (and preferred behavior) of explicitly applying filterable: true on the column.
  2. The only way to remove unwanted operators is indirectly, via specifying the text for each operator that should be in the list. Furthermore, this has to be done per data type.
  3. The filterable customization functionality and the column filterable IU functionality do not work well together. This is evident in the filter customization demo. The City filter uses a  dropdownlist widget and the default operator is “Starts with”, which makes no sense in this context.
  4. When using a filterable UI with dropdownlist or autocomplete it is invariably the goal that the list of allowed values be the distinct set of values from the results in the column, but the current functionality requires use of an external data source.
The impression I get is additional filtering capabilities have been bolted on without refactoring existing functionality. Perhaps I am wrong, and I am happy to be corrected if I am understanding the functionality incorrectly. Otherwise, perhaps you can consider revising the current filterable behavior in a future release.


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Vladimir Iliev
Telerik team
answered on 06 Nov 2013, 08:52 AM
Hi Gary,

Please find the answers of your questions below:

1) When you set the filterable option of the Grid it automatically enables the filtering on all columns - this behavior is expected and intended.

2) If you believe that current implementation of this functionality should be improved I would suggest to share your idea at KendoUI UserVoice to allow other users vote for it. Most voted ideas are included in next KendoUI releases.

3) You can override the global settings from the columns.filterable configuration option:
    field: "City",
    width: 130,
    filterable: {
        ui: cityFilter,
        operators: {
            string: {
                eq: "Is equal to",
                neq: "Is not equal to"

4) The proposed solution of loading the filter menu dropDownList dataSource from current column data will not work in following scenarios:
  • When the column contains value and the matching text comes from another collection
  • When server operations are enabled - that way the dataSource of the Grid will hold only current page records and the values in the filter menu will be incomplete

That why you should pass the values to the dataSource manually. 

Vladimir Iliev
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Vladimir Iliev
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