Telerik Kendo MVC version (2023.1.425)
With my grid defined in MVC Razor like this :
I got a grid, data displayed correctly.
But when I click on a cell, it display a empty text field the data not follow. On lost focus (cellClose) I got this error :
Someone have an idea ?
Telerik Kendo MVC version (2023.1.425)
With my grid defined in MVC Razor like this :
.Columns(c =>
c.Bound(f => f.Id).Visible(false);
c.BoundDate(f => f.DateDebut);
c.BoundDate(f => f.DateFin);
c.BoundDate(f => f.DateFacturation);
c.Bound(f => f.NumeroActuel);
.Editable(e => e.Mode(GridEditMode.InCell))
.DataSource(d => d
.Model(m => m.Id(p => p.Id);
.Update(a => a.Action("Sauvegarder", "ModifFactures", GetBindParams("Update")).Data(KendoJSCall.JSGetAntiForgeryToken))
.Events(e => e.RequestEnd(KendoJSCall.OnGridCheckResults))
But when I click on a cell, it display a empty text field the data not follow. On lost focus (cellClose) I got this error :
Someone have an idea ?
Hi FranckSix,
Could you share the following:
1. The main Model as well as the Factures view model
2. The Sauvegarder action
3. The OnGridCheckResults handler
4. If you are using a custom editor template in EditorTemplates (Views/Shared/EditorTemplates or Views/ModifFactures/EditorTemplates), post the content of the custom template
Hi Ivan,
The model like this:
public class FactureViewModel { public int IdFacture { get; set; } [Display(ResourceType = typeof(RessourcesModificationNoFactures), Name = "DateDebut")] [DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime DateDebut { get; set; } [Display(ResourceType = typeof(RessourcesModificationNoFactures), Name = "DateFin")] [DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime DateFin { get; set; } [Display(ResourceType = typeof(RessourcesModificationNoFactures), Name = "DateFacturation")] [DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime DateFacturation { get; set; } [Display(ResourceType = typeof(RessourcesModificationNoFactures), Name = "NumeroFactureActuel")] public string NumeroFactureActuel { get; set; } [StringLength(25, ErrorMessageResourceName = "LongueurMaximum", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Domaine.Sphere.Resources.Global))] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(RessourcesModificationNoFactures), Name = "NouveauNumeroFacture")] public string NouveauNumeroFacture { get; set; } }
public async Task<ActionResult> Sauvegarder([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, string operation, [Bind(Prefix = "models")] IEnumerable<FactureViewModel> viewModel) { if (viewModel == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewModel)); var donneesMAJ = new List<Facture>(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { await viewModel.ForEachAsync( async facture => { var entite = facture.ToEntite(); await EffectuerLaSauvegardeAsync(operation, entite); donneesMAJ.Add(entite); }); } var result = await donneesMAJ.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request, ModelState, FactureViewModel.FromEntite); return Json(result); }
//gestion du Callback de la grille kendoMVC apres un post onGridCheckResults: function (e) { var type = ""; var notification = ""; if (e.type !== "read" && !e.response.Errors) { type = "succes"; notification += $("#messageHelios-messageSucces").html(); } else if (e.type !== "read" && e.response.Errors) { type = "erreur"; $.each(e.response.Errors, function (key, value) { if ('errors' in value) { $.each(value.errors, function () { notification += this + "<br>"; }); } }); } const event = new CustomEvent('onGridCheckResults', { detail: { action: e.type, message: notification, type: type } }); dispatchEvent(event); }
I've tested the scenario with the FactureViewModel you posted and I don't get any exception. I should note that I've made some changes due to the missing dependencies, for example I removed:
ResourceType = typeof(RessourcesModificationNoFactures
Also I see the following configuration in the Grid:
c.BoundDate(f => f.DateDebut);
c.Bound(f => f.DateDebut);
.Columns(c => { c.Bound(f => f.Id).Visible(false); c.BoundDate(f => f.DateDebut); c.BoundDate(f => f.DateFin); c.BoundDate(f => f.DateFacturation); c.Bound(f => f.NumeroActuel); })
You will notice that in it the Grid columns are bound only to fields that are declared in the FactureViewMode. For example, instead of Id, I use the IdFacture field. The column bound to NumeroActuel is commented. The Grid can be edited and clicking on a cell does not result in an exception.
I hope the sample project points you in the right direction with regard to properly configuring the Grid.