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Grid Column FIlterable Format fails after first detail row

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Travis asked on 15 Oct 2013, 06:19 PM
I have a series of master details rows in a grid. In the detail of the master grid is a tab group. The detail grids are inside the individual tabs.

I am trying to format the display of an integer (4 digit year) inside the filter column. Removing the comma.

Here is the detail grid .csthml snippet.
        columns.Bound(s => s.SurveyYear).Filterable(f => f.UI("yearFilterFormatSurvey")).Width(85);
<script id="yearFilterFormatSurvey" type="text/javascript">
    function yearFilterFormatSurvey(element) {
            format: 'n0',
            decimals: 0,
The problem is that after the first detail row the formatting is no longer applied.

Also I am unable to move the format code to a .js file? I can't move it to any other .cshtml file either. Many of the detail grids have this column and having to put this filter format code into each of their .cshtml files is pretty "code smelly".

I am running the latest released build. 2013.2.918



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answered on 15 Oct 2013, 06:35 PM
I have fixed my problem. I changed my format to "####" to get what I want.

Why does n0 work on the first row but not the following rows? Perhaps a difference between .net/json/jquery string formats?
Telerik team
answered on 17 Oct 2013, 07:57 AM
Hello Travis,

I'm afraid that I'm unable to recreate such behavior locally. Could you provide a small runnable sample in which this issue can be observed. This will allow us to get better understanding about your exact implementation and scenario and provide you with more to the point answer.

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