I am upgrading a .NET application from .NET 4.5 to .NET 6.0. As part of the upgrade have upgraded the Kendo.MVC dll as well from Version 2018.3.911.545 to 2022.1.119.0
In existing application we use Telerik grid and we use their template methods to define custom templates for Grid, toolbar and footer as shown below
pCol.Template( pT => { } ).Title( "" )
.Width( "3%" )
" #if (ExcludeFromWorkbook == false && ExcludeBtnExcludeFromWorkbookOnRow == false) {#" +
"<a class='btn btn-success btn-xs' id='btnIncludeExcludeInd_\"#=Id#\"' title='Row Included in Workbook, Click to Exclude from Workbook' onclick='onIncludeExcludeClick(this)'> <i class='fa fa-plus-square'></i> </a> #}"
+ "if (ExcludeFromWorkbook == true && ExcludeBtnExcludeFromWorkbookOnRow == false) {# " +
"<a class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' id='btnIncludeExcludeInd_\"#=Id#\"' title='Row Excluded from Workbook, Click to Include in Workbook' onclick='onIncludeExcludeClick(this)'> <i class='fa fa-minus-square'></i> </a> #}"
+ "else{# #}#"
.HtmlAttributes( new {style = "text-align: center;"} )
.ClientFooterTemplate( "#=conditionalSum('ExcludeFromWbBtn')#" );
.ToolBar(toolbar =>
if (userCanEdit) //if user has edit rights show save and rest of toolbar template
<div class="toolbar" id="toobarid1">
<input type="type" onblur="checkCommentField(this);" onkeypress="checkCommentField(this);" name="name" value="" class="k-textbox" id="componentComment" maxlength="500" placeholder="Edit values and add comment to enable Save..." style="width: 480px" />
}) //e
But in the upgraded dll am unable to find the below method definitions
- public virtual GridTemplateColumnBuilder<TModel> Template(Action<TModel> templateAction) in GridColumnFactory
- public void Template(Func<Grid<T>, object> template); in GridToolBarCommandFactory
- public GridBuilder<T> TableHtmlAttributes(object attributes); in GridBuilder
Kindly let me know whats the equivalent methods available in the new dll to substitute the old ones and the new way of implementing our existing logic.