Below is a sample of the column. For some strange reason it does not work with Firefox or Safari on a Mac.
c.Bound(x => x.Active).Title("Active").Width(30).ClientTemplate("<center>#=Active ? 'Yes': 'No' #</center>").HtmlAttributes(new { style = "text-align:center;vertical-align: text-top;" });
Even when i just have this code still won't work.
c.Bound(x => x.Active).Title("Active").Width(30).HtmlAttributes(new { style = "text-align:center;vertical-align: text-top;" });
What happening is, if the row is active it says Yes or No or in the second line it will say true of false. When I click on the column to change the status a checkbox will appear. in either case. But when I try to mark it as checked or not checked it will go back to the text and won't allow me to chenge the status.
Any ideas how to fix it?