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Go to Bookmark show on top of page

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ANTONIO asked on 05 Mar 2020, 05:51 PM

When I programmatically use go to bookmark on the richtexteditor the bookmark is shown on the editor in the bottom of the page is there a way to show on the top of the page?

I attached two pictures to explain batter the first one how the method gotobookmark is working and the second how i would like to be.


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answered on 10 Mar 2020, 01:05 PM

Hello Antonio,

This is not something available right out of the box. I have logged this issue in our backlog: RadRichTextEditor: GoToBookmark does not reposition to top of the screen. You can vote for it and subscribe to the task by clicking the Follow button so you can receive updates about status changes.

Fortunately, the desired behavior can be achieved by scrolling to the end of the document (for example) and then go to the bookmark. Note that there should be enough content after the bookmark for it to appear at the top of the page. Here is some sample code to show how you can achieve that:


            if (this.radRichTextEditor1.RichTextBoxElement.ActiveEditorPresenter != null)
                // This is faster than calling radRichTextBox.ScrollToVerticalOffset() as it does not automatically refresh the UI 
            string bookmarkName = "Telerik";

I hope this information helps.

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