Hello! I want to global disable animation (dropdown/combobox sliding, window popup fading and so on).
How I can do it with minimum code? Is KendoUI have global flag for this?
Thanks alot! You made a beautiful framework with amazing cross-platform capabilities! :)
How I can do it with minimum code? Is KendoUI have global flag for this?
Thanks alot! You made a beautiful framework with amazing cross-platform capabilities! :)
4 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Denis,
If you don't load the FX javascript file (kendo.fx.min.js), the animations will be automatically disabled.
Kind regards,
Kamen Bundev
the Telerik team
If you don't load the FX javascript file (kendo.fx.min.js), the animations will be automatically disabled.
Kind regards,
Kamen Bundev
the Telerik team
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answered on 12 Dec 2012, 06:59 PM
Is there a way to disable animations if you are loading kendo.web.min.js? For instance, could I just set kendo.fx to undefined? I'd like to disable them only for IE <9. I'm using a lot of the framework, and it doesn't make sense to load all the other files individually.
the Telerik team
I am afraid that such approach would not work, as the design of our framework relies on kendo.fx having simpler implementation (present in kendo.core) and a more complex one that handles the animations (in kendo.fx).
Something which I may suggest is to set the animation duration to zero, in certain cases (IE, for example).
the Telerik team
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answered on 18 Dec 2012, 05:07 PM
I ended up just getting a custom download of Kendo Web without the animation. Then I used conditional comments to include the full version or no-animation version depending on IE version. I don't really like this, but it works.
What I'd like is something like jQuery does:
$.fx.off = true; // globally disable jQuery animations
What I'd like is something like jQuery does:
$.fx.off = true; // globally disable jQuery animations