I must be missing something.
if I have a treeview and I have a select event handler bound to it, I can inspect the currently selected node's text by saying e.node.text(). However, if I try to get the text of the parent node, i.e. e.node.parent().text(), I get a string with all the node's text concatenated together. All I want is a simple node.getParent function that returns the exact same object as e.node only it's parent. If the node has no parent (i.e. it s a root), then it should return null. This seems harder than it should be.
Is there a way to do this or am I missing something?
Thanks ... Ed
I must be missing something.
if I have a treeview and I have a select event handler bound to it, I can inspect the currently selected node's text by saying e.node.text(). However, if I try to get the text of the parent node, i.e. e.node.parent().text(), I get a string with all the node's text concatenated together. All I want is a simple node.getParent function that returns the exact same object as e.node only it's parent. If the node has no parent (i.e. it s a root), then it should return null. This seems harder than it should be.
Is there a way to do this or am I missing something?
Thanks ... Ed