I have 3 GridViewCommandColumn in my radGridView. I need to determine which one of the three command columns were pressed. I can't seem to figure out how to get the "Default Text" value to determine which command column was clicked. I can get the value of the command column by the CommandCellClick event but I can not get the "Default Text" value. My three default text values of the three command columns are "Time Sheet", "Print Monthly", and "Registration". Thanks for any help you can provide. New at WinForms!
Private Sub RadGridView1_CommandCellClick(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadGridView1.CommandCellClick
Dim gcce As GridCommandCellElement = TryCast(sender, GridCommandCellElement)
If gcce Is Nothing OrElse gcce.Value Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub