Since GridView.ClearSelection Method is totaly crap(See attached file: NoSelectionFormatting.png)
i need to handle the rowformatting and cellformattiong when no Selection on gridview is done.
Removing the Backcolor was not the problem. But now i need to get the Default Border Color for GridViewCells and GridViewRows when its not selected.(See attached file: NoSelectionFormattingV1.png)
I am using Windows8 Theme in my application but this could be different for other customers, so i tried to get the Theme for the Current Theme like that:
Dim theme As Theme = ThemeResolutionService.GetTheme(ThemeResolutionService.ApplicationThemeName)
Just for testing if the Propertys exists that i need i implemented the following code:
Dim styleGroup As StyleGroup = theme.FindStyleGroup("Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView")
For Each propertyGroup In styleGroup.PropertySettingGroups
For Each setting In propertyGroup.PropertySettings
Select Case setting.Name
Case "BorderColor"
e.RowElement.BorderColor = setting.Value
Case "BorderColor2"
e.RowElement.BorderColor2 = setting.Value
Case "BorderColor3"
e.RowElement.BorderColor3 = setting.Value
Case "BorderColor4"
e.RowElement.BorderColor4 = setting.Value
End Select
But the BorderColor was never set to the default.
Thanks for any help.