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Get backcolor and forecolor of SubItem

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Lauren asked on 18 Jun 2014, 09:16 PM
I'm setting the backcolor and forecolor of SubItems in the radListView1_CellFormatting event.  Later, I'm exporting my List View to Excel, and I need to access the backcolor and forecolor of each SubItem/cell.  Is this possible?  I see the property for Item backcolor, but I can't get at the SubItem backcolor.

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answered on 23 Jun 2014, 12:14 PM
Hello Lauren,

Thank you for writing.

You can create a caching mechanism to store the colors. This will require creating a unique key to retrieve the colors from a dictionary:
Dictionary<object, Color[]> cache = new Dictionary<object, Color[]>();
void listView_CellFormatting(object sender, ListViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
    RadListViewElement element = sender as RadListViewElement;
    if (e.CellElement is DetailListViewDataCellElement)
        DetailListViewDataCellElement cell = e.CellElement as DetailListViewDataCellElement;
        ListViewDetailColumn column = cell.Data;
        object keyItem = cell.Row[element.Columns.IndexOf(column)] + column.FieldName;
        if (!cache.ContainsKey(keyItem))
            cache[keyItem] = new Color[2];
        e.CellElement.BackColor = cache[keyItem][0] = Color.Red;
        e.CellElement.ForeColor = cache[keyItem][1] = Color.Blue;

When you want to retrieve the colors you can do it by accessing the Columns and the Items collection of RadListView, as each Item in the Items collection is the Row of a cell.

Do not hesitate to write back, should you have further questions.

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