Get all music files from device using .NET MAUI

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Warren asked on 05 Sep 2023, 07:41 AM

I am creating a music player app so what i want to automatically load all songs from phone or windows computer and display them in a listView so that I can use them to play from selecting them.

I am kind of a beginner :)


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answered on 05 Sep 2023, 08:35 AM | edited on 05 Sep 2023, 09:18 AM

Hello Warren,

How to access files from device in your app is a custom logic implementation. I have found this link that could be of help: 
You can also submit questions in Microsoft Q&A, StackOverflow etc. This question is not related to Telerik controls. 

Regarding to this question: How to populate the Telerik ListView with Data: The control has ItemsSource property. So you can add the data in a collection and then bind this collection to the ItemsSource. Here is a getting started example: 

More details about Data Binding can be found in Microsoft Documentation: 

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