I have added Kendo dropDownList as cell editor to Kendo Gantt.
After some time, some users reported issue where doubleclick on cell randomly just opens and closes dropdown on its own.
We did quite a lot of debugging until we were able to reproduce issue.
It turns out that in some cases (not clear under which conditions) when doubleclick is either too fast or performed on laptop touchpad, it happens almost in 30% of cases.
(We are using kendo UI 2020 R2 version, but issue is reproducible even in latest version).
Issue was reproduced by developer on Dell Latitude 5580 (using touchpad doubleclick), while users reported on other systems.
Here you can find the dojo where issue is reproducible.
Also, we recorded video on the same dojo, where behavior is demonstrated.
First 4 clicks are mouse, and next ones are with touchpad. (users were having issues even with mouse)
If there are any things we can do to help, please let me know.
Thank you and best regards.