I’m using the kendo Gantt as an angular directive and I need to define a range of week days to be displayed on my Gantt. Example: I want to display always from Wednesday to Saturday of the week, for example.
I know that If I set the properties showWorkDays: true, It will be displaying days by default Monday to Friday (excluding Saturday and Sunday as weekends).
But the problem is, I just want to
display an specific range of weekdays,
Starting by, for example, Wednesday and ending on
Saturday ( not Monday to Friday). I saw that in JSP, it’s possible to use workDayStart and workWeekEnd properties to define this range,
based on weekday index.
And I saw also here in the forum, that is possible to set that start day of the week, doing this : kendo.culture().calendar.firstDay = 3 before the Gantt loads (which is working fine for me), but I couldn’t find nothing to set the lastDay of the week.
The question is: how do I set the lastDay? I tried different things and nothing worked. I need to define something similar to the workDayStart and workWeekEnd to the gantt angular directive.
Thank you