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Frozen columns & size

1 Answer 108 Views
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Syleps asked on 15 Aug 2019, 06:51 AM


I have several questions regarding the management of locked columns.


1) Auto-size

Is there a way for unlocked columns to automatically calculate their size so that they fill the "free" part of the grid, as when there are no fixed columns?

The appearance of the horizontal scroller when displaying or hiding columns is simply illogical compared to the basic grid

I'm not talking about autofit, who make 'empty part' or display scroller 


2) Size in pixel

In mvc, we can give the size of the columns in em, vw, %, ...

This works for basic grids, but not when there are fixed columns.

Is it normal or is there a lack?


3)  All locked columns

Is there a way to have a basic grid but without the user changing the order of the columns



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Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
answered on 19 Aug 2019, 07:03 AM



The locked columns feature is intended to be used when the columns shown in the Grid widget are do not fit the available width. You can fix some of the columns and have them visible at all times and scroll through the other columns.

With that said, in order for the locked columns to work as expected it is necessary to have at least one locked column initially and also make sure that the sum of widths for the columns is more than the width of the Grid. For more information on locked columns check out the article below:


Regarding your second question. Locked columns require setting explicit widths for the columns. This will ensure that the layout of the Grid will be adjusted correctly.


About preventing the user from changing the columns order. For this you need to remove the Reorderable option from the Grid configuration or set it explicitly to false.



Regards, Viktor Tachev
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Viktor Tachev
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