I am trying to use the custom popup editor template when editing an item in my grid. The issue I am having has to do with formatting the date to be in the "format MM/dd/yyyy" or 07/02/2015 . Everything works fine when I am displaying a date in a textbox. But when I display the date in a div instead, the date the same date looks like this: Thu Jul 02 2015 10:22:33 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time).
Below is a jsfiddle link that demonstrates both the correct date in a textbox and bad date in a div, just below it. I want the div to have the same format as the textbox. I have followed example after example I have found, but I can't seem to get it right so that they format the date the same. Please help!
Attached is a screenshot indicating where the formatting is wrong and where it is formatting ok.