I have a radgridview linked to a datasource.
One of the columns (a decimal column) takes the data from an integer value in the database... this value represents a time, but I can´t change the type in the database.
I want to show the value in a HH:MM:SS format.
To do that in other situations I just set a string.Format this way:
string.format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", value/3600, (value%3600)/60,(value%3600)%60)
Is there a way to apply this custom format to the column?
I´ve tried using a date format in the FormatString property of the columm this way: {0:hh.mm.ss} but then the columm shows data like this "hh.Valuemm.ss" (Value is the integer in the column, like 4 or whatever).
Any help will be welcomed
Thanks in advance
I have a radgridview linked to a datasource.
One of the columns (a decimal column) takes the data from an integer value in the database... this value represents a time, but I can´t change the type in the database.
I want to show the value in a HH:MM:SS format.
To do that in other situations I just set a string.Format this way:
string.format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", value/3600, (value%3600)/60,(value%3600)%60)
Is there a way to apply this custom format to the column?
I´ve tried using a date format in the FormatString property of the columm this way: {0:hh.mm.ss} but then the columm shows data like this "hh.Valuemm.ss" (Value is the integer in the column, like 4 or whatever).
Any help will be welcomed
Thanks in advance