In our application, we have one ("ShowDecimal") outside of the grid.
I want once the checkbox is checked, the data of grid column ("ElectricityBill") will be displayed in decimal format. If it's not checked it would not display in decimal format.
I can format the grid column like below way ,
{ field: "ElectricityBill", title: "Electricity Bill", template: "#=kendo.toString(ElectricityBill, 'n2') #" },
But, , how I can apply the "ShowDecimal" checked value in template syntax,
I have tried with following way but none of the options worked,
{ field: "ElectricityBill", title: "Electricity Bill", template: "#= $('ShowDecimal').checked?kendo.toString(ElectricityBill, 'n2'): kendo.toString(ElectricityBill, 'n0')#" },
I have also tried to call one javascript function but I got the error like "Method not found".
Please help.