Hi. I need your help about formatting my KendoUI chart.I use KendoUI chart with my Delphi + Unigui code
My doubts are in the figure attached. The main doubt is how to format the horizontal axis to show the desired number of decimals. I want to change from one decimal ( one number after the comma like 2200,0 ) to two decimals (like 2200,00 ). This line of code did not work TNumericField(FieldByName('distM')).DisplayFormat := '#,0.00';
Code to try to fix the decimals
ChartSeries.Values['Fmod'] := 'serFmod';
ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{labels: {format: "#,0.0"}}'; // vertical axis one decimal
ChartProperties.Values['tooltip'] := '{visible: true, format: "#,0.000"}'; // points 3 decimals
ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, position: "insideEnd", format: "#,0.00"}';
If needed I can send a test case using Delphi + Unigui.
My doubts are in the figure attached. The main doubt is how to format the horizontal axis to show the desired number of decimals. I want to change from one decimal ( one number after the comma like 2200,0 ) to two decimals (like 2200,00 ). This line of code did not work TNumericField(FieldByName('distM')).DisplayFormat := '#,0.00';
Code to try to fix the decimals
ChartSeries.Values['Fmod'] := 'serFmod';
ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{labels: {format: "#,0.0"}}'; // vertical axis one decimal
ChartProperties.Values['tooltip'] := '{visible: true, format: "#,0.000"}'; // points 3 decimals
ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, position: "insideEnd", format: "#,0.00"}';
If needed I can send a test case using Delphi + Unigui.