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Format Decimals in the Horizontal Axis?

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PoppySarah asked on 21 Nov 2020, 07:31 PM
Hi. I need your help about formatting my KendoUI chart.I use KendoUI chart with my Delphi + Unigui code
My doubts are in  the figure attached. The main doubt is how to format the horizontal axis to show the desired number of decimals. I want to change from one decimal ( one number after the comma like   2200,0  ) to two decimals   (like 2200,00 ). This line of code did not work TNumericField(FieldByName('distM')).DisplayFormat :=  '#,0.00';
Code to try to fix the decimals
ChartSeries.Values['Fmod'] := 'serFmod';
ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{labels: {format: "#,0.0"}}';             // vertical  axis  one decimal
ChartProperties.Values['tooltip'] := '{visible: true, format: "#,0.000"}';          // points   3 decimals
ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, position: "insideEnd", format: "#,0.00"}';
If needed I can send a test case using Delphi + Unigui.

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Georgi Denchev
Telerik team
answered on 24 Nov 2020, 12:15 PM

Hi PoppySarah,

The horizontal axis labels can be formatted through the categoryAxis.labels.format property.

categoryAxis: [{
    labels: {
      format: "{0:n3}" // This will produce 123.456. {0:n4} would produce 123.4567 and so on.

You can find the different number formats that kendo supports in the Number Formatting article. The same type of formatting is also true for the valueAxis and the tooltip.

Let me know if you require further assistance.

Best Regards,
Georgi Denchev
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Georgi Denchev
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