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Flexbox support for desktop widgets

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Marc asked on 08 Mar 2017, 05:55 PM

Hi Guys, I'm wondering if the desktop widgets support flexbox?  Can you point me towards any documentation?

I'm debating moving to the Bootstrap 4 Alpha, which has been redesigned to use Flexbox.



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Ivan Zhekov
Telerik team
answered on 10 Mar 2017, 11:54 AM
Hello, Marc.

We are currently developing two new themes for KendoUI (and also to be used for KendoUI fro Angular 2), that are sass based and rely on flexbox.

You can see the themes at and

For the Bootstrap theme, note that the development is happening in the v2 branch. The theme is based and organized around Bootstrap framework using the same variables (albeit we map them to our own variables for stability).

We've just released Beta 1 for kendo-theme-bootstrap and we are on aggressive schedule to ship v2 of the theme as soon as possible.

I hope that answers your question, if not, let me know what else I could add.

Ivan Zhekov
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Ivan Zhekov
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