If I register a route for this for example..."/view(/:category)(/:name)" this works just fine..."http://localhost:6699/test/view/home/index". But, if you request "http://localhost:6699/test/view/home/index/" with a trailing slash the route missing is triggered. I tried using regex in the route change event to remove trailing a slash if it exists, but that has no effect b/c after looking at your source code the url you modify in the change event doesn't update back to the url in the caller. So, how can I fix these type of route request or is this a bug with your SPA framework?
Currently I have to register two routes where one ends w/ a slash and both provide the same callback. But, this is not efficient to have to register two routes for each route needed. So, if I have 25 possible routes, then I have to register 50.
Or is there a way I can specify and optional trailing slash end the route definition?
Currently I have to register two routes where one ends w/ a slash and both provide the same callback. But, this is not efficient to have to register two routes for each route needed. So, if I have 25 possible routes, then I have to register 50.
Or is there a way I can specify and optional trailing slash end the route definition?