In my application I am populating a ListView using a service call. I am adding a TextBox and a filter button in the navbar of that page. I have filtered the ListView using the following method.
function filter(){
var listView = $("#SubFolderList").data("kendoMobileListView");
listView.dataSource.filter({ field: "ItemName", operator: "contains", value: SearchValue });
//here i need the count of the items
I have a clear filter button near to the filter button, I want to clear the filter on pressing the clear button.
Please help me finding a solution with service call
In my application I am populating a ListView using a service call. I am adding a TextBox and a filter button in the navbar of that page. I have filtered the ListView using the following method.
function filter(){
var listView = $("#SubFolderList").data("kendoMobileListView");
listView.dataSource.filter({ field: "ItemName", operator: "contains", value: SearchValue });
//here i need the count of the items
I have a clear filter button near to the filter button, I want to clear the filter on pressing the clear button.
Please help me finding a solution with service call