In the application that I am currently working, I am using Telerik UI ASP.NET Core Scheduler Component and concerning binding I use SignalR. When a user creates an event all clients that are connected to the Hub are successfully notified for the relative creation and the created event is successfully created too.
My concern is that I am looking for a way to prevent the notification and the event creation for clients that meet a condition.
- So far I have tried to apply preventDefault in the context of onPush function but it didn't work.
- I have also tried to filter dataSource but it fails too.
- Moreover, I tried to remove a specific eventElement during databound. This worked but when I tried to create a new event in the same timeslot like the one that was including the previously removed eventElement, the new eventElement was placed under the section that would include the removed eventElement.
Is there any way to filter the events that are displayed on a client based on client related conditions i.e what values the user of the client has selected on some fields of a form on the same page with Scheduler?