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Filter Logical Operators

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Abe asked on 12 Jun 2018, 07:35 PM

I'm creating this new thread because I only found 6 threads at this date (6/12/2018).  Here is the link of the search results: 

My question is about where to find in the documentation of Telerik Grid for MVC the comparison and logical operators that can be used to programmatically filter the Grid columns.  Say I want to filter that column 1 has value 1 or value 2, and column 2 has a date greater than value 3.

You answer will be appreciated.  I already know a solution code to my question.  What I'm looking for is how to find the information about the API.  Or how do I search the Kendo documentation site so I can get the answer.

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Telerik team
answered on 14 Jun 2018, 12:16 PM
Hi Abe,

Generally speaking, our ASP.NET MVC controls are wrappers of our jQuery widgets. In order to filter the dataSource of the Grid programmatically, the developer has to use JavaScript, and thus, the best way to check how to do that is our jQuery dataSource API reference:
I understand that our documentation is not perfect, and this reference might need to be in the MVC documentation. However, we do our best to improve it, and every customer opinion helps us in doing so.

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