I'm trying out the telerik xamarin controls and I have started with looking at the sample applications. I can run the Tagit and Todo apps successfully on android but when I try IOS I get the following, any ideas? many thanks, Andy -
Drilling down into the inner exceptions I see -
The type initializer for 'Telerik.XamarinForms.DataControlsRenderer.iOS.ListView.UIListViewCell' threw an exception.
And finally -
Method not found: void Xamarin.Forms.BindableObjectExtensions.SetAppThemeColor(Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject,Xamarin.Forms.BindableProperty,Xamarin.Forms.Color,Xamarin.Forms.Color)
Could you please elaborate more on when the exception occurs? If you can send us steps to reproduce the issue that could be of great help.
Also, you have mentioned Tagit and ToDo apps -> On which app the exception occurs? What is the iOS simulator/device version you use to test the apps?