Ticket Description:
I have the requirement to export the kendogrid details to html ,textfile and worddocument using 3 external html buttons in MVC/razor.
I have attached the screenshot of the kendogrid with the expected output in html, textfile and word formats .
Please guide me to export the details from kendo grid.
These are screenshots with description.
1)KendoGrid(MVC razor).png - Kendogrid
2)Expected output in html format.png - Expected output from kendogrid in html format
3)Expected output in textfile format.png - Expected output from kendogrid in text format
4)Expected output in word format.png - Expected output from kendogrid in word format
Mayil (on behalf of Jeremy Thompson)
I have the requirement to export the kendogrid details to html ,textfile and worddocument using 3 external html buttons in MVC/razor.
I have attached the screenshot of the kendogrid with the expected output in html, textfile and word formats .
Please guide me to export the details from kendo grid.
These are screenshots with description.
1)KendoGrid(MVC razor).png - Kendogrid
2)Expected output in html format.png - Expected output from kendogrid in html format
3)Expected output in textfile format.png - Expected output from kendogrid in text format
4)Expected output in word format.png - Expected output from kendogrid in word format
Mayil (on behalf of Jeremy Thompson)