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Excel export limited number of rows

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Irina asked on 26 Sep 2019, 04:01 PM


due to large amount of data in the grid, excel export does not work (>50.000 records). Is there a way to achieve this? Using 


only exports a number of records equal to the page size. I would like to be able to let's say export 200 records per .xls file.

Is there possible to use smth similar to 

Is there a way to achieve this and can you maybe share an small example? 

Thanks a lot,


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answered on 30 Sep 2019, 07:49 AM

Hi Rina,

The Kendo UI Grid could be configured to either export the first page or all pages. Hence, exporting only a certain amount of items has to be handled separately. Generally, what I could recommend is to handle the ExcelExport and prevent the default execution of the event. Then, manually export the Grid using the saveAsExcel() method. And load only the desired rows. A similar approach could be found in the following forum thread:

As per the export of large data, it is actually a browser limitation that is imposed. If the AllPages property is set to true, the grid would make a request for all of the data. And this data could not be serialized on the client. 

In such cases, I can recommend taking advantage of the server export functionality. An example could be found here:

Let me know in case further assistance is required.


Best regards,
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