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Excel Export does not work

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Ismael asked on 23 Nov 2016, 06:38 PM

Hello Kendo Team,

I'm trying to implement the Grid / Export to Excel feature in Kendo grid, but I can't make it work, here is my js code, hope you can find what I am missing,

(Line 045)

Thanks in advance! 

001.var NoFoundMessage = $("#NoFoundMessage");
002.var Kendogrid = $("#grid");
003.var isOrderById = false;
004.(function (MyOrders, $) {
006.    MyOrders.OrderHistory = (function () {
008.        var load = function (isLoadingMore) {
009.            kendo.ui.progress(Kendogrid, true);
010.            Kendogrid.kendoGrid({
011.                noRecords: true,
012.                dataSource: {
013.                    type: "POST",
014.                    transport: {
015.                        read: function (options) {
016.                            if (isOrderById === false) {
017.                                getOrdersDataSource(myOrders.SearchControl.pagingSearch(), options);
018.                            }
019.                            else {
020.                                getOrderByIdDataSource(localStorage.OrderID, options);
021.                                isOrderById = false;
022.                            }
023.                        }
024.                    },
025.                    batch: true,
026.                    schema: {
027.                        type: 'json',
028.                        model: {
029.                            id: "OrderID",
030.                            fields: {
031.                                OrderID: { type: "string" },
032.                                PurchasedBy: { type: "string" },
033.                                ReceivedDate: { type: "date" },
034.                                OrderStatusDesc: { type: "string" },
035.                                HAPOrderStatus: { type: "string" },
036.                                OrderPurpose: { type: "string" },
037.                                PurchaserName: { type: "string" },
038.                                Recipient: { type: "string" },
039.                                VolumePoints: { type: "string" },
040.                                OrderAgain: { type: "string" },
041.                                ViewReceipt: { type: "string" }
042.                            }
043.                        }
044.                    },
045.                    toolbar: ["excel"],
046.                    excel: {
047.                        fileName: "MyOrders.xlsx",
048.                        //proxyURL: "//",
049.                        filterable: true,
050.                        allPages: true
051.                    },
052.                    pageSize: 10
053.                },
054.                groupable: false,
055.                sortable: true,
056.                dataBound: onDataBound,
057.                pageable: {
058.                    refresh: false,
059.                    pageSizes: true,
060.                    buttonCount: 10
061.                },
062.                columns: [{
063.                    field: "OrderID",
064.                    title: "ORDER #",
065.                    template: function (data) {
066.                        var url = getUrlWithLocale("/Account/OrderHistory/GetOrderDetails/");
067.                        return "<a id='btnViewDetails' data-orderID='" + data.OrderID + "' href='" + url + data.OrderID + "/Ds'>" + data.OrderID + "</a>";
068.                    }
069.                },
070.                {
071.                    field: "PurchasedBy",
072.                    title: "P/S/Q"
073.                }, {
074.                    field: "ReceivedDate",
075.                    title: "DATE",
076.                    template: function (data) {
077.                        return data.ReceivedDate.toLocaleDateString();
078.                    }
079.                }, {
080.                    field: "OrderStatusDesc",
081.                    title: "STATUS",
082.                    template: function (data) {
083.                        if (data.OrderStatusDesc === 'ORDER COMPLETE') {
084.                            return "<span class='complete'>" + data.OrderStatusDesc + "</span>";
085.                        }
086.                        else if (data.OrderStatusDesc === "CANCELLED") {
087.                            return "<span class='cancelled'>" + data.OrderStatusDesc + "</span>";
088.                        }
089.                        else {
090.                            return "<span class='processing'>" + data.OrderStatusDesc + "</span>";
091.                        }
092.                    },
093.                },
094.                {
095.                    field: "HapOrderStatus",
096.                    title: "STATUS",
097.                    hidden: true,
098.                    template: function (data) {
099.                        if (data.HapOrderStatus === "ACTIVE") {
100.                            return "<span class='complete'>" + data.HapOrderStatus + "<span>";
101.                        }
102.                        else if (data.HapOrderStatus === "CANCELLED") {
103.                            return "<span class='cancelled'>" + data.HapOrderStatus + "<span>";
104.                        }
105.                        else {
106.                            return "<span class='processing'>" + data.HapOrderStatus + "<span>";
107.                        }
108.                    }
109.                },
110.                {
111.                    field: "OrderPurpose",
112.                    title: "ORDER PURPOSE"
113.                },
114.                {
115.                    field: "PurchaserName",
116.                    title: "PURCHASER",
117.                    attributes: {
118.                        "class": "tablet"
119.                    },
120.                    template: "#:PurchaserInfo.PurchaserName#"
121.                },
122.                {
123.                    field: "Recipient",
124.                    title: "SHIP TO",
125.                    attributes: {
126.                        "class": "tablet"
127.                    },
128.                    template: "#:Shipment.Recipient#"
129.                },
130.                {
131.                    field: "VolumePoints",
132.                    title: "VOLUME",
133.                    template: "#:Pricing.VolumePoints#"
134.                },
135.                {
136.                    field: "Order Again",
137.                    title: "ORDER AGAIN",
138.                    template: (function () {
139.                        var url = getUrlWithLocale("/Shop/Cart/Copy/Index/");
140.                        if (myOrders.SearchControl.pagingSearch().IsHapOrder === false) {
141.                            return "<a class='icon-files-ln-3' href='" + url + "#:OrderID#/Ds'> </a>";
142.                        }
143.                        return "";
144.                    }())
145.                },
146.                {
147.                    field: "ViewReceipt",
148.                    title: "VIEW RECEIPT",
149.                    template: "<a href='javascript:void();'><i class='icon-receipt-ln-4'></i></a>",
150.                }]
151.            });
152.            $(Kendogrid).kendoPager({
153.                messages: { itemsPerPage: "results per page" }
154.            });
155.        }
156.        var getUrlWithLocale = function (url) {
157.            var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split('/');
158.            var segment = pathArray[1];
159.            var regex = /^([a-zA-Z]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{2})$/;
161.            if (regex.test(segment)) {
162.                return "/" + segment + url;
163.            }
164.            return url;
165.        }
166.        var searchByOrderId = function (orderId) {
167.            localStorage.searchByOrderId = true;
168.            isOrderById = true;
169.            localStorage.OrderID = orderId;
170.            load(false);
171.        }
172.        function getOrdersDataSource(data, options) {
173.            $.ajax({
174.                url: getUrlWithLocale("/Account/OrderInquiry/GetOrders"),
175.                data: data,
176.                dataType: "json",
177.                success: function (result) {
178.                    if (result == null) {
179.                        noFound();
180.                    }
181.                    else {
182.                        showGrid();
183.                    }
184.                    kendo.ui.progress(Kendogrid, false);
185.                    options.success(result);
186.                }
187.            });
188.        }
189.        function getOrderByIdDataSource(orderId, options) {
190.            $.ajax({
191.                url: getUrlWithLocale("/Account/OrderInquiry/GetOrderById"),
192.                data: { orderId: orderId },
193.                dataType: "json",
194.                success: function (result) {
195.                    if (result == null) {
196.                        noFound();
197.                    }
198.                    else {
199.                        showGrid();
200.                    }
201.                    kendo.ui.progress(Kendogrid, false);
202.                    options.success(result);
203.                }
204.            });
205.        }
206.        function noFound() {
207.            Kendogrid.hide();
208.  ;
209.        }
210.        function showGrid() {
211.            NoFoundMessage.hide();
212.            Kendogrid.css("display", "block");
213.        };
214.        function formatColumns() {
215.            var grid ="kendoGrid");
216.            if (myOrders.SearchControl.pagingSearch().IsHapOrder === true) {
217.                grid.hideColumn("Recipient");
218.                grid.hideColumn("Order Again");
219.                grid.hideColumn("ViewReceipt");
220.                grid.hideColumn("OrderStatusDesc");
221.                grid.hideColumn("PurchasedBy");
222.                grid.hideColumn("PurchaserName");
223.                grid.showColumn("HapOrderStatus");
225.                $("#grid thead [data-field=ReceivedDate] .k-link").html("Start Date");
226.            }
227.            else {
228.                grid.showColumn("Recipient");
229.                grid.showColumn("Order Again");
230.                grid.showColumn("View Receipt");
231.                grid.showColumn("OrderStatusDesc");
232.                grid.showColumn("PurchasedBy");
233.                grid.showColumn("PurchaserName");
234.                grid.hideColumn("HapOrderStatus");
236.                $("#grid thead [data-field=ReceivedDate] .k-link").html("Date");
237.            }
238.        }
240.        function onDataBound(arg) {
241.            var grid ="kendoGrid");
242.            if (myOrders.SearchControl.pagingSearch().IsHapOrder === true) {
243.                grid.hideColumn("Recipient");
244.                grid.hideColumn("Order Again");
245.                grid.hideColumn("ViewReceipt");
246.                grid.hideColumn("OrderStatusDesc");
247.                grid.hideColumn("PurchasedBy");
248.                grid.hideColumn("PurchaserName");
249.                grid.showColumn("HapOrderStatus");
251.                $("#grid thead [data-field=ReceivedDate] .k-link").html("Start Date");
252.            }
253.            else {
254.                grid.showColumn("Recipient");
255.                $("th[data-field='Recipient']").show();
256.                grid.showColumn("OrderAgain");
257.                $("th[data-field='Order Again']").show();
258.                grid.showColumn("ViewReceipt");
259.                $("th[data-field='ViewReceipt']").show();
260.                grid.showColumn("OrderStatusDesc");
261.                $("th[data-field='OrderStatusDesc']").show();
262.                grid.showColumn("PurchasedBy");
263.                $("th[data-field='PurchasedBy']").show();
264.                grid.showColumn("PurchaserName");
265.                $("th[data-field='PurchaserName']").show();
266.                grid.hideColumn("HapOrderStatus");
267.                $("th[data-field='HapOrderStatus']").hide();
268.                $("#grid thead [data-field=ReceivedDate] .k-link").html("Date");
269.            }
270.        }
271.        return {
272.            load: load,
273.            gerUrlWithLocale: getUrlWithLocale,
274.            searchByOrderId: searchByOrderId
275.        };
276.    }())
278.})(window.myOrders = window.myOrders || {}, jQuery);
280.$(document).ready(function () {
282.    myOrders.OrderHistory.load(false);
284.    $("#show-form").click(function () {
285.        clearErrors();
286.        $("#search-form").slideToggle();
287.        $(this).find("i").toggleClass("icon-arrow-circle-ln-29 icon-arrow-circle-ln-30");
288.    });

2 Answers, 1 is accepted

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answered on 24 Nov 2016, 07:29 PM

The toolbar and excel config options are GRID options, not DATASOURCE options.

You have them in your datasource options.  Move them into your grid options and you should be good.

Alex Hajigeorgieva
Telerik team
answered on 25 Nov 2016, 07:01 AM
Hello Ismael,

Stephen is correct in his comment to move the toolbar configuration setting.

Additionally, I would suggest instead of initializing a new , use the Kendo UI Grid configuration to customise the messages  through the pageable messages or pageable messages display:

Kind Regards,
Alex Hajigeorgieva
Telerik by Progress
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Alex Hajigeorgieva
Telerik team
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