The new Scheduler looks like a great start! There are a few features I've seen in other commercial HTML5 scheduling components that that are worth mentioning (these are de riguer to us):
- Exposing methods/properties for controlling background cell painting in the appointment grid.
- Surfacing drag/drop/hover events on an appointment that is being dragged as well as on the background grid slots.
- Built-in support for a secondary appointment color (e.g., a vertical bar along the left edge of the appointment) tied to a distinct property of the developer's choosing (e.g., appointment status). This can be handled with custom templates, of course, but it comes up often enough to be useful as a built-in feature.
Also, there are a couple of bugs in the current beta version relating to appointments that subtend the midnight boundary but are less than 24 hours long:
- When moving the appointment, the transparent "shadow" used to indicate the drag position has time added to the end relative to the actual length of the appointment being dragged.
- When dragging an appointment to an earlier time such that it no longer subtends the midnight boundary, the appointment disappears(!)