I am aware that the save of a new appointment triggers the following event:
this.radSchedulerControl.AppointmentAdded += new EventHandler<AppointmentAddedEventArgs>(radSchedulerControl_AppointmentAdded);
And the save of the existing event triggers the following event with the action of the event = "ItemChanged"
this.radSchedulerControl.Appointments.CollectionChanged += new Telerik.WinControls.Data.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(Appointments_CollectionChanged);
....however the problem with this event is that it get triggered multiple times based on what was changed for on the existing appointment.
A different thread suggested using the ApplySettingsToEvent function in the CustomAppointmentEditDialog class when saving an appointment to add my custom logic. However, in ApplySettingsToEvent I could not determine how to differentiate when a new Appointment is created vs an existing one is saved since this function gets executed on both the creation of a new appointment and the save of an existing.
Your help in determining how to execute custom logic only on the save of an existing appointment and have it triggered only once would be appreciated.