I try to do that in asp.net mvc : http://dojo.telerik.com/UViSA/13
I want to add item in a multiselect control and after i want to select it.
It work find to add in datasource of my multiselect but i can't select my new item by code (this.value(add);) .
i don't think it the new item the problem because i can't select a existing item. I tried to select a existing element in this event and a had the same error.
I add in attach files a print screen of my error ("Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node' : Parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'....)
This is my code :
@(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(model => model.LesDestinataires)
.Events(e =>
.DataSource(source =>
source.Read(read =>
read.Action("ObtenirCourriels", "Assignation");
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:350px;" })
after my event : (the problem it at this line : this.value(add);)
function onFiltering(e)
var filter = e.filter;
if (filter.value.indexOf(";") > 0) {
var newtag = filter.value.replace(";","");
var values = this.value().slice();
var ajout = {NomComplet: newtag ,AdresseCourriel: newtag };
var add = [newtag];
if (values.length> 0) {
var merge = $.merge(add, values);
} else {
//this.dataSource.refresh(); //This don't work
My read.action to fill multiselect :
public JsonResult ObtenirCourriels()
> maSource = db.Mentores.ToList();
var lstMentores = maSource.Take(1).Select(s => new { NomComplet = s.NomComplet_Mentore, AdresseCourriel = s.Courriel_Mentore }); //Take(1) to just fill with one item my multiselect
return Json(lstMentores, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Thank for your help!