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Error on Server Side Paging

1 Answer 165 Views
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Sowmya asked on 09 Jun 2015, 01:51 PM
We are getting a couple of problems when we trying to return the data with our custom api and consume through kendo for server side sorting and paging. The Kendo scripts seem to not like it and throws an error.

 Please find below the details:-

Web-api Result

count: 23,

  data: [

1.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1156, name: "Soda DPG For Test", type: 2,…},

2.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1157, name: "Coke DPG For Test", type: 2,…},

3.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1205, name: "Pespi Diet DPG", type: 2,…}

4.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1206, name: "Copy of Pespi Diet DPG",…},

5.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1238, name: "soda product group", type: 2,…},

6.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1196, name: "Blend Tea Bag DPG - edited",…},

7.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1193, name: "Blend Tea DPG", type: 2,…},

8.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1188, name: "Classic Blend DPG", type: 2,…},

9.  {$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1203, name: "Copy of Classic Blend DPG",…},

{$type: "EYC.Data.DynamicProductHierarchy, EYC.Core", id: 1236, name: "Copy of test create edited",…}



Exception, While data binding:

TypeError: e.slice is not a function

    at ht.extend.success (kendo.all.min.js:11)

    at (kendo.all.min.js:11)

Angular js controller source

Demos.controller("MyCtrl", function ($scope) {

$scope.testgriddata = {

              dataSource: {

                   transport: {

   read:  {

                           method: "GET",

                           url: '',

                          headers: {

                               "x-security-context": "102",

                               "Authorization": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6InBmVTFLcUJVZ3BNb1hTME5nZ2dHdF9ZVGRBayJ9.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"

   dataType: 'json'  },

                        parameterMap: function (data, type) {

                            if (type == "read") {

                                return {

                                    pagesize: data.pageSize,


                                    sortcolumn: (data.sort != "undefined" && data.sort.length != 0) ? $scope.GetObjectKeyIndex($scope.testgriddata.columns, data.sort[0].field) : null,

                                    sortdirection: (data.sort != "undefined" && data.sort.length != 0) ? (data.sort[0].dir == "asc" ? 0 : 1) : null,




                        schema: { 

                            data: "data",

                            total: "count",

                           model: {

                               fields: {

                                   name: { type: "string" },

                                   description: { type: "string" },

                                   createdDate: { type: "date" },

                                   createdByUser: { type: "string" },

                                   type: { type: "string" }





                   pageSize: 25, 

                   serverPaging: true,

                   serverFiltering: false,

                   serverSorting: true,

                   sort: { field: "LastUpdatedDate", dir: "desc" }



                   height: 550,


                   sortable: true,

                   //filterable: {

                   //    mode: "row"


    pageable: {

        refresh: true,

       input: true,

        pageSizes: true,

        pageSizes: [5, 10, 15,20,25],

        buttonCount: 5






                          field: "name",

                          title: " Name",

                          filterable: {

                              cell: {

                                  showOperators: false





                        field: "description",

                        title: "Description",

                        filterable: {

                            cell: {

                                showOperators: false





                        field: "noofproducts",

                        title: "No of Products"



                         field: "type",

                         title: "Product Group Type",

                         template: "#= type==2?'Dynamic Product Group':'Custom Product Group' #",

                         filterable: {

                             cell: {

                                 showOperators: false






                        field: "createdDate",

                        title: "Created Date",

                        template: "#= kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(createdDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'MM/dd/yyyy') #"




                        field: "createdByUser",

                        title: "Created By"



                        field: "LastUpdatedDate",

                        title: "Last Updated Date",

                        filterable: {

                            cell: {

                                showOperators: false





                         field: "LastUpdatedBy",

                         title: "Last Updated By",

                         filterable: {

                             cell: {

                                 showOperators: false





                         field: "LastUsedDate",

                         title: "Last Used Date",

                         filterable: {

                             cell: {

                                 showOperators: false





    $scope.GetObjectKeyIndex= function (obj, keyToFind) {

        var i = 0, key;

        for (key in obj) {

            if (obj[key].field == keyToFind) {

                return i+1;




        return null;



1 Answer, 1 is accepted

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Alexander Valchev
Telerik team
answered on 11 Jun 2015, 08:03 AM
Hi Sowmya,

The error e.slice is not a function will occur when the is not set correctly.

In order to resolve the issue:

  -  fix the syntax error - schema configuration should not be nested in the transport object. It should be defined at dataSource level.
  -  change the schema to:

schema: {
  data: "",
  total: "data.count",

Your JSON data contains wrapping 'data' object.

I hope this information will help.

Alexander Valchev
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Alexander Valchev
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