i am evaluating your kendo Ui controls for an web project and got an error while loading data in the kendo scheduler.
i attached a file of the error stack from chrome to this
this is my javascript file
some sample data:
maybe you could help me showing some appointments in my scheduler?
i am evaluating your kendo Ui controls for an web project and got an error while loading data in the kendo scheduler.
i attached a file of the error stack from chrome to this
this is my javascript file
function showCalendar(userID) {
var apiUrl = "/svc/pimapi/calendar/" + userID;
time: "Europe/Berlin",
views: ["week", "day", "month"],
height: 600,
dataSource: {
type: "json",
transport: {
read: { url: apiUrl }
schema: {
data: "ResponseItems",
model: {
fields: {
Title: { from: "Stichwort", type: "string" },
Start: { from: "Terminstart", type: "date" },
End: { from: "Terminende", type: "date" },
Description: { from: "Memo", type: "string" }
some sample data:
{"ResponseItems":[{"Stichwort":"test","Terminstart":"04.09.2013 16:00:00","Terminende":"04.09.2013 16:30:00","Memo":"testtest","Art":"T2"},{"Stichwort":"testtest","Terminstart":"05.09.2013 12:00:00","Terminende":"05.09.2013 13:00:00","Memo":"testetestetst\r\n\r\nPARTY","Art":"T1"}]}
maybe you could help me showing some appointments in my scheduler?