Value column has an inline validation of max and min. On entering the correct values also I am getting this error.
I am using this JS code for custom input control. Please suggest me some approach to resolve this error.
if (e.model.UnitTypeCode === "UNIT_LOOKUP_FLOAT") {var dataItem = $("#DesignMaterialSystemAttribute").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.get(e.model.DesignMaterialSystemAttributeId);
var min = parseFloat(dataItem.MinAcceptableText);
var max = parseFloat(dataItem.MaxAcceptableText);
var input = $("<input data-val='true' autocomplete='off' onblur='Value_validate()' onclick='setTwoNumberDecimal(this)' min = '" + min + "' max='" + max + "' type='number' step='0.01' data-validate='false' name='AttributeValue' id='AttributeFloatId' data-bind='value: AttributeValue' style='width: 70% ; outline:none' />");
var grid = $("#DesignMaterialSystemAttribute").data("kendoGrid");
var AttributeNumberValue = null;
var data =;
var gridRowTr = grid.dataItem($(e.container).closest("tr"));
var currentRowIndex = data.indexOf(gridRowTr);
$(document).on('input', '#AttributeFloatId', function () {
AttributeNumberValue = $("#AttributeFloatId").val();
data[currentRowIndex].set("AttributeValue", AttributeNumberValue);
data[currentRowIndex].set("AttributeText", AttributeNumberValue);