Just wondering why the effects and animations are using inline style to be created?
Is there not an option to use css classes?
The only problem I am having was that I wanted to extend and create some custom effects however because they are currently using inline styles it will overwrite any styles I apply via a class.
For example: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/dropdownlist
If it was simply adding a class of .fadeIn and .fadeOut then I could create a custom css class for the transitions and change fadeIn to .mycustomclass
However is it not switching class style it is adding inline styles and I can't locate where the JS is that adds these inline styles and 'fadeIn' is declared. Are you able to advise where these are being set at all so worst case I can just copy one of them and rename the effect and set the inline styles that would ideally be a class