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EditorTemplate with DropDown column in Edit Mode [object Object] Error - Route Configuration Help

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Carl asked on 20 Dec 2013, 07:04 PM
Hello All,

I am a new Kendo user and hoped to get a few comments on an issue I am having utilizing an EditorTemplate in my Grid. Basically I have a bound column in my grid that displays the data just fine in Read Mode. Once I bring the Grid to Edit Mode, and call the EditorTemplate, the column that is supposed to display a dropdown, will display a textbox with the text [object Object], and no EditorTemplate dropdown ...

I have submitted a Support Ticket and have gotten some great help. After submitting some code, I even received a mock up project based on my code that works. Cool! However, even after copying the working code into my project, I still see the error. Kendo tech support  stated : "most probably the issue is related to the current Routing configuration in your real setup."

I have asked for more clarification on "Routing configuration "in my support ticket, but was hoping to get some feedback from any users who may have experienced a similar issue. Any comments appreciated.



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Vladimir Iliev
Telerik team
answered on 26 Dec 2013, 06:43 AM
Hi Carl,

I already answered to this query in duplicated support ticket created by you - #768046. Please keep in mind that it is highly recommended that you keep related questions in one support thread or a forum post, so that we can easily keep track of your support history and provide better answers in a shorter time.

Also for convenience I included the answer of the support ticket below:

The DropDownList is not shown because there are JavaScript errors when the page loads, after removing the following reference:

<script src="~/Content/theme/scripts/layout.js"></script>

From the _layoutJobs.cshtml page the DropDownList is shown properly:

Vladimir Iliev
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answered on 26 Dec 2013, 02:11 PM
Thank you Vladimir! I did receive the Tech Support reply from Petur. All is working well now. I appreciate your team taking the time to help me resolve the issue. You fellows provide great support.

To anyone who may have stumbled upon this thread in regards to an [Object object] error being displayed in a Grid in Edit Mode ... it did turn out that I had a separate JS file included in my page that was breaking the Grid. This script was not a Kendo script. I implemented Kendo into an involved project that was already started. Watch for any conflict between pre-exisiting JS and the newly created Kendo controls. 

Thanks again - Carl

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Vladimir Iliev
Telerik team
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