Hi Kendo support,
I was trying to transer the telerik logic of editing in treeview node, but got some problem, is there any sample example in kendo for editing the node, Also i want to do for adding the node in treeview as well. Any sample or idea will be helpful.
Below is my telerik code for editing,
//Partial page
@model IEnumerable<PFLMakeTreeviewModel>
@model IEnumerable<PFLMakeTreeviewModel>
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLoad(e) {
// subscribe to the contextmenu event to show a contet menu
$('.t-in', this).live('contextmenu', function(e) {
// prevent the browser context menu from opening
// the node for which the 'contextmenu' event has fired
var $node = $(this).closest('.t-item');
// default "slide" effect settings
var fx = $.telerik.fx.slide.defaults();
// context menu definition - markup and event handling
var $contextMenu =
$('<div class="t-animation-container" id="contextMenu">' +
'<ul class="t-widget t-group t-menu t-menu-vertical" style="display:none">' +
'<li class="t-item"><a href="#" class="t-link">Edit</a></li>' +
//'<li class="t-item"><a href="#" class="t-link">Delete</a></li>' +
'</ul>' +
.css( //positioning of the menu
position: 'absolute',
left: e.pageX, // x coordinate of the mouse
top: e.pageY // y coordinate of the mouse
.find('.t-item') // select the menu items
.mouseenter(function() {
// hover effect
.mouseleave(function() {
// remove the hover effect
.click(function(e) {
// dispatch the click
onItemClick($(this), $node);
// show the menu with animation
$.telerik.fx.play(fx, $contextMenu.find('.t-group'), { direction: 'bottom' });
// handle globally the click event in order to hide the context menu
$(document).click(function(e) {
// if clicked inside the editing textbox - discard
if ($(e.target).is('#TreeView14 :text'))
// remove any textboxes from the treeview and update the node if needed
$('#TreeView14 :text').each(function() {
var $textBox = $(this);
var newText = $textBox.val();
var oldText = $textBox.data('text');
// the node to which the textbox belongs to
var $node = $textBox.closest('.t-item');
// remove the textbox from the node
$textBox.replaceWith($('<span class="t-in" />').html(newText));
// if the text changed update the node
if (newText != oldText) {
// hide the context menu and remove it from DOM
$.telerik.fx.rewind(fx, $contextMenu.find('.t-group'), { direction: 'bottom' }, function() {
function onItemClick($item, $node) {
var treeView = $('#TreeView14').data('tTreeView');
var nodeText = treeView.getItemText($node);
var menuItemText = $item.text();
if (menuItemText == "Edit") {
// replace the node contents with a textbox
setTimeout(function() {
.replaceWith($('<input type="text" />')
.data('text', nodeText)
.keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
// handle enter key - edit the node
var newText = $(this).val();
// remove the textbox from the node
$(this).replaceWith($('<span class="t-in"/>').html(newText));
if (newText != nodeText) {
// if the text changed update the node
} else if (e.keyCode == 27) {
// handle escape key - cancel editing
// remove the textbox from the node
$(this).replaceWith($('<span class="t-in"/>').html(nodeText));
}, 0);
//else if (menuItemText == "Delete") {
// //delete the node
// onDelete($node);
// }
function onEdit($node) {
var treeView = $('#TreeView14').data('tTreeView');
// post to HomeController.EditNode using jQuery
$.post('@(Url.Action("EditNode", "ReferenceFiles"))',
level: $node.parents('.t-item').length, // node level required to determine whether this is a Category or a Product
id: treeView.getItemValue($node),
text: treeView.getItemText($node)
// function onDelete($node) {
// var treeView = $('#TreeView14').data('tTreeView');
// if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this node?')) {
// // post to HomeController.DeleteNode using jQuery
// $.post('@(Url.Action("DeleteNode", "ReferenceFiles"))',
// {
// level: $node.parents('.t-item').length,
// id: treeView.getItemValue($node),
// });
// $node.remove();
// }
// }
// function AppendItem() {
// debugger
// var treeView = $("#TreeView14").data("tTreeView");
// var itemData = { Text: $("#itemText").val() };
// var selected = getSelected();
// treeView.append(itemData, selected.length != 0 ? selected : null);
// }
@* <button onclick="AppendItem()" class="t-button">Add new item</button>
@Html.TextBox("itemText", "Add item", new { style = "width: 100px" }) *@
<style type="text/css">
font-size: 10pt;
div.t-top, div.t-mid, div.t-bot
.ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
//.DragAndDrop(settings => settings
// .DropTargets(".drop-container"))
.BindTo(Model, mappings =>
mappings.For<PFLMakeTreeviewModel>(binding => binding
.ItemDataBound((item, make) =>
item.Text = make.MAKE_DESCRIPTION;
item.Value = make.MAKE_ID.ToString();
.Children(make => make.Models)
mappings.For<PFLModelTreeviewModel>(binding => binding
.ItemDataBound((item, model) =>
item.Text = model.MODEL_DESCRIPTION;
item.Value = model.MODEL_ID.ToString();
.Children(model => model.Series)
mappings.For<PFLSeriesTreeviewModel>(binding => binding
.ItemDataBound((item, serie) =>
item.Text = serie.SERIE_DESCRIPTION;
item.Value = serie.SERIE_ID.ToString();
public ActionResult EditNode(int level, int id, string text)
var ausfleet = new AUSFLEETEntities();
ReferencesFiles _ReferencesFiles = new ReferencesFiles();
if (level == 0)
var make = ausfleet.PFL_MAKE.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MAKE_ID == id);
if (make != null)
else if (level == 1)
var model = ausfleet.PFL_MODEL.FirstOrDefault(p => p.MODEL_ID == id);
if (model != null)
var serie = ausfleet.PFL_SERIE.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SERIE_ID == id);
if (serie != null)
return new EmptyResult();
I was trying to transer the telerik logic of editing in treeview node, but got some problem, is there any sample example in kendo for editing the node, Also i want to do for adding the node in treeview as well. Any sample or idea will be helpful.
Below is my telerik code for editing,
//Partial page
@model IEnumerable<PFLMakeTreeviewModel>
@model IEnumerable<PFLMakeTreeviewModel>
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLoad(e) {
// subscribe to the contextmenu event to show a contet menu
$('.t-in', this).live('contextmenu', function(e) {
// prevent the browser context menu from opening
// the node for which the 'contextmenu' event has fired
var $node = $(this).closest('.t-item');
// default "slide" effect settings
var fx = $.telerik.fx.slide.defaults();
// context menu definition - markup and event handling
var $contextMenu =
$('<div class="t-animation-container" id="contextMenu">' +
'<ul class="t-widget t-group t-menu t-menu-vertical" style="display:none">' +
'<li class="t-item"><a href="#" class="t-link">Edit</a></li>' +
//'<li class="t-item"><a href="#" class="t-link">Delete</a></li>' +
'</ul>' +
.css( //positioning of the menu
position: 'absolute',
left: e.pageX, // x coordinate of the mouse
top: e.pageY // y coordinate of the mouse
.find('.t-item') // select the menu items
.mouseenter(function() {
// hover effect
.mouseleave(function() {
// remove the hover effect
.click(function(e) {
// dispatch the click
onItemClick($(this), $node);
// show the menu with animation
$.telerik.fx.play(fx, $contextMenu.find('.t-group'), { direction: 'bottom' });
// handle globally the click event in order to hide the context menu
$(document).click(function(e) {
// if clicked inside the editing textbox - discard
if ($(e.target).is('#TreeView14 :text'))
// remove any textboxes from the treeview and update the node if needed
$('#TreeView14 :text').each(function() {
var $textBox = $(this);
var newText = $textBox.val();
var oldText = $textBox.data('text');
// the node to which the textbox belongs to
var $node = $textBox.closest('.t-item');
// remove the textbox from the node
$textBox.replaceWith($('<span class="t-in" />').html(newText));
// if the text changed update the node
if (newText != oldText) {
// hide the context menu and remove it from DOM
$.telerik.fx.rewind(fx, $contextMenu.find('.t-group'), { direction: 'bottom' }, function() {
function onItemClick($item, $node) {
var treeView = $('#TreeView14').data('tTreeView');
var nodeText = treeView.getItemText($node);
var menuItemText = $item.text();
if (menuItemText == "Edit") {
// replace the node contents with a textbox
setTimeout(function() {
.replaceWith($('<input type="text" />')
.data('text', nodeText)
.keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
// handle enter key - edit the node
var newText = $(this).val();
// remove the textbox from the node
$(this).replaceWith($('<span class="t-in"/>').html(newText));
if (newText != nodeText) {
// if the text changed update the node
} else if (e.keyCode == 27) {
// handle escape key - cancel editing
// remove the textbox from the node
$(this).replaceWith($('<span class="t-in"/>').html(nodeText));
}, 0);
//else if (menuItemText == "Delete") {
// //delete the node
// onDelete($node);
// }
function onEdit($node) {
var treeView = $('#TreeView14').data('tTreeView');
// post to HomeController.EditNode using jQuery
$.post('@(Url.Action("EditNode", "ReferenceFiles"))',
level: $node.parents('.t-item').length, // node level required to determine whether this is a Category or a Product
id: treeView.getItemValue($node),
text: treeView.getItemText($node)
// function onDelete($node) {
// var treeView = $('#TreeView14').data('tTreeView');
// if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this node?')) {
// // post to HomeController.DeleteNode using jQuery
// $.post('@(Url.Action("DeleteNode", "ReferenceFiles"))',
// {
// level: $node.parents('.t-item').length,
// id: treeView.getItemValue($node),
// });
// $node.remove();
// }
// }
// function AppendItem() {
// debugger
// var treeView = $("#TreeView14").data("tTreeView");
// var itemData = { Text: $("#itemText").val() };
// var selected = getSelected();
// treeView.append(itemData, selected.length != 0 ? selected : null);
// }
@* <button onclick="AppendItem()" class="t-button">Add new item</button>
@Html.TextBox("itemText", "Add item", new { style = "width: 100px" }) *@
<style type="text/css">
font-size: 10pt;
div.t-top, div.t-mid, div.t-bot
.ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("onLoad"))
//.DragAndDrop(settings => settings
// .DropTargets(".drop-container"))
.BindTo(Model, mappings =>
mappings.For<PFLMakeTreeviewModel>(binding => binding
.ItemDataBound((item, make) =>
item.Text = make.MAKE_DESCRIPTION;
item.Value = make.MAKE_ID.ToString();
.Children(make => make.Models)
mappings.For<PFLModelTreeviewModel>(binding => binding
.ItemDataBound((item, model) =>
item.Text = model.MODEL_DESCRIPTION;
item.Value = model.MODEL_ID.ToString();
.Children(model => model.Series)
mappings.For<PFLSeriesTreeviewModel>(binding => binding
.ItemDataBound((item, serie) =>
item.Text = serie.SERIE_DESCRIPTION;
item.Value = serie.SERIE_ID.ToString();
public ActionResult EditNode(int level, int id, string text)
var ausfleet = new AUSFLEETEntities();
ReferencesFiles _ReferencesFiles = new ReferencesFiles();
if (level == 0)
var make = ausfleet.PFL_MAKE.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MAKE_ID == id);
if (make != null)
else if (level == 1)
var model = ausfleet.PFL_MODEL.FirstOrDefault(p => p.MODEL_ID == id);
if (model != null)
var serie = ausfleet.PFL_SERIE.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SERIE_ID == id);
if (serie != null)
return new EmptyResult();