until now I used the grid with odata-v4 data-sources. Auto-complete source configuration was easy: either omit the source and the Kendo grid fetches the data automatically or provide an odata data-source to be used for auto-complete values.
Today I have a scenario where I have local data and would like to filter the columns with auto-complete filters (row-filters).
From what I've read one has to set up the filter UI widget explicitly for each column. E.g.:
filterable: {
(element) {
dataSource: someDataSource,
This seems tedious because: 1) the data-source is the same as for the grid, 2) the field Name is the same as for the grid's column, 3) one has to have a reference to the data-source.
Is there a built-in mechanism to easily configure the filter to use auto-complete with the grid's own data-source and the grid column's field? After all, in the local data scenario, we would like to filter the stuff, that's in the grid already. So I wonder if we can avoid the ceremony.
Does an option like "filterable.autocomplete: true" maybe exist that I just overlooked?
Kasimier Buchcik