Does the DropDownTree support virtualization and valuemappers like the DropDownList does? I have a tree with 500 nested items on 3 levels (parent, child, grandchild).
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 19 Aug 2024, 11:08 AM
Hello Lee,
Currently, virtualization for the DropDownTree is not supported. Value Mapper function, however, has been available since R2 2024. Here is the item with more information:
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Thank you. How would you suggest using the DropDownTree in this situation where I have so many options (over 2000 top level parents)? My API is returning all of the options on page load. The example doesn't seem to work either as all of the options say, "undefined".
Please refer to this example, we will update the one in the API reference accordingly. If you inspect the requests in the browser console, you will see only the data which must be returned in order to load the values you wish. For example, currently the valueMapper is configured to reach an item with EmployeeId 8. That means that the DropDownTree will fetch all the data preceding it, but not the entire set of data. You will see that if you open the DropDownTree and expand the Andrew Fuller item (which is already fetched from the remote), if you expand the Steven Buchan item, a request will be made to fetch its child items. Let me know if that makes sense.