I have a kendo dropdownlist with virtualization that uses a local json object (the real list is longer than my example). When I set the value and immediately try to log that new value out, I get nothing. How do I log out the value after setting it when using virtualization? Here is a dojo example where you will see it logs "The value is now:" with no answer. If I remove virtualization it logs the answer out.
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Hello Lee,
At the time you are calling the value() method, the value is still not set as the DropDownList is using virtualization. If you avoid the execution it the value will be returned:
let orderList = $("#orders").data("kendoDropDownList");
console.log("The value is now: ", orderList.value());
}, 200);
Dojo demo:
Progress Telerik
Hi Lee,
You can subscribe to the cascade event and you will have the value without wasting or missing time for the value to be set:
let orderList = $("#orders").data("kendoDropDownList");
orderList.value(12);"cascade", function() {
console.log("The value is now: ", orderList.value());
Dojo demo:
Hi Lee,
I tested the behavior when resetting the DropDownList DataSource and then setting a new value to the component. However, on my side, the new value is logged as expected. Here is a Dojo example I used to test. Please let me know if I am missing something.
Looking forward to your reply.
The issue with your Dojo is that there are only 24 items each so it isn't taking that long. In my case, I have up to 10,000 items (hence the need for virtualization). I also have 30 similar dropdowns on the page. The following code fixes the issue but I feel like this is causing some lag and potentially the issue resurfacing if the user's computer takes longer than 200ms.
var storesList = [{...}]; // really big array of objects
storeChanged(123, 1);
function storeChanged(sourceStoreId, recordId) {
let storeObject = storeList.find(s => s.recordId === recordId);
//... other code //
// Update this names list
let newNamesList = getAvailableNames(storeObject.organizationId); //
currentAvailableNamesList = [...newNamesList];
setTimeout(function () {
nameDropdown.value(storeObject.nameId); // Value is not there without this setTimeout
}, 200);
function getAvailableNames(selectedOrganization) {
selectedOrganization = parseInt(selectedOrganization);
let names = [ Map( => [item["nameId"], item])).values()];
let filteredNames = [];
if (selectedOrganization === -99) {
filteredNames = [...names];
else {
filteredNames = names.filter(i => i.organizationId === selectedOrganization);
// Add or remove all names option based on return set
let allNamesIndex = filteredNames.findIndex(s => s.storeId === -998);
if (allStoresIndex === -1 && filteredNames.length > 1) {
let stores = [...storeList];
let unmappedIgnoreObject = stores.find(s => s.storeId === -998);
} else if (allStoresIndex !== -1 && filteredNames.length <= 2) {
filteredNames.splice(allStoresIndex, 1);
return filteredNames;
Hi Lee,
With the approach of resetting the datasource, although the datasource is changed, the valueMapper function remains unchanged. Thus it continues using the old data items, which may leads to the observed result. Thus, another approach that you could try is destroyng the DropDownList and then recreating it with the new data and new valueMepper function.
$('#btn').on('click', function(){
var dropdownlist = $("#orders").data("kendoDropDownList");
dataTextField: "orderName",
dataValueField: "orderId",
filter: "contains",
virtual: {
itemHeight: 26,
valueMapper: function(options) {
let data = orders2;
console.log("options", options);
var values = convertValues(options.value);
var indices = [];
if (values && values.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
var order = data[j];
if (values.indexOf(order.orderId) > -1) {
height: 208,
dataSource: {
data: orders2,
pageSize: 12
var dropdownlist = $("#orders").data('kendoDropDownList')
Linked hereyou will find the modified Dojo example.