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DropDownList to access filtered remote data

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Ralf asked on 02 Nov 2018, 04:07 PM


I am trying to implement a dropdownlist in a grid popupedit, that select Users from Azure Active Directory. I access the Azure Active Directoty with the Graph Api, so that I always get only a part of the users in the controller to return to the dropdownlist.

The controller sends the data of the users as SelectListItems (Text: Lastname, Firstname; Value: E-Mail).

The selection of a user in a new record works fine and the email address is saved in the database.

But if I want to edit this record, the dropdownlist is empty, because the dropdownlist needs the value for "Text" the Lastname and Firstname.

Is it possible to insert a value for Text and Value in the DropDownList, when editing a record?

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Telerik team
answered on 06 Nov 2018, 11:44 AM
Hello Ralf,

There is an existing example that demonstrates how to setup a custom editor for a Grid column:

In addition to the above, you could also find additional information regarding how to edit  the Grid for ASP.NET MVC through editor templates in the following article:

Concerning changing the value of the DropDownList, this could be achieved through the DataValueField option:
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m)

Also, in case you would like to add additional properties, or use different names than the SelectListItem's Text and Value, you could also create a custom Model for the DropDownList and then set the desired values to the DataTextField and DataValueField options:
public class PetViewModel
  public int ID { get; set; }
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }

To customize the column content, the ClientTemplate option could be used as follows:
columns.Bound(p => p.Pet).ClientTemplate("#=Pet.FirstName# #=Pet.LastName#").Width(180);

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answered on 09 Nov 2018, 02:09 PM

Hello Dimitar,

this examples do not help me. I need a solution similar to vitualization.

Here is my code in detail:

The definition of the grid:

    .Name(componentName: "ProjectRequestGrid")
    .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height: 600" })
        editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp).TemplateName(editTemplateName).Window(w => w.Width(width: 1200).Title("Project Request")))
        .Columns(columns =>
            columns.Command(command => { command.Edit().Text(" ")}).Width(pixelWidth: 30);
            columns.Bound(p => p.ProjectTitle).Title("Project Title").Width(pixelWidth: 200).Filterable(ftb => ftb.Multi(value: true).Search(value: true));
            columns.Bound(p => p.ProjectManager).Title("Project Manager").Width(pixelWidth: 180).Filterable(ftb => ftb.Multi(value: true).Search(value: true));
    .ToolBar(toolbar =>
        if (Model.ProjectRequestGridType == ProjectRequestGridType.newRequests)
            toolbar.Create().Text("Create a new project request");
    .DataSource(ds => ds.Ajax()
        .PageSize(pageSize: 8)
        .Events(events => events.Error(handler: "onErrorGrid"))
        .Events(events => events.RequestEnd(handler: "onSave"))
        .Model(model =>
            model.Id(p => p.Id);
            model.Field(p => p.Id).Editable(enabled: false);
  .Sort(p => p.Add(memberName: "ProjectTitle").Ascending())
  .Read(read => read.Action(actionName: readActionName, controllerName: "ProjectRequest"))
  .Update(update => update.Action(actionName: "ProjectRequestUpdate", controllerName: "ProjectRequest"))
  .Create(create => create.Action(actionName: "ProjectRequestCreate", controllerName: "ProjectRequest"))
  .Resizable(resize => resize.Columns(value: true))
              .Reorderable(reorder => reorder.Columns(value: true))

The configuration of the DropDownListFor in the view (it is used as a grid popup edit). ProjectManager is a string property.

@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(model => model.ProjectManager)
             .DataSource(ds =>
                 ds.Read(read => read.Action("GetProjectManager", "ProjectRequest"))
             .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "dialog-form-control" })

And here the code in the controller for the Ajax-Request of the DropDown-List

public async Task <JsonResult> GetProjectManager(string text)
           IQueryable<PeopleSearchPerson> peopleSearch = new List<PeopleSearchPerson>().AsQueryable();
           if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
               peopleSearch = await PeopleSearchService.SearchPeopleNameStartsWithAsync(text);
           IEnumerable<SelectListItem> peopleStrings = peopleSearch.AsEnumerable().Select(s => new SelectListItem()
               Text = $"{s.DisplayName}, {s.Email}",
               Value = s.Email
           return Json(peopleStrings, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

The function "PeopleSearchService.SearchPeopleNameStartsWithAsync" search in the Azure Active Directory with tha value typed in the dropbox (maximum number of 100 entries).

The controller action send SelectListItem's like this:

  • Text: Lastname1, FirstName (Company)
  • Value:

The dropdownlist works fine for new records. I could select "Lastname1, FirstName (Company)" and the e-mail "" is saved in the property "ProjectManager" in the database.

But if i open the record again, the dropdown list shows no value. I think this is because the dropdownlist gets the e-mail value from the database but have no selectlist item to match.

Is it possible to set a selectlist item for the dropdownlist?

I tried to use the virtualization feature of the dropdownlist, but i have the problem that the PeopleSearchService did not give back a IQueryable with all people.

Telerik team
answered on 13 Nov 2018, 10:11 AM
Hi Ralf,

Make sure that the Model bound to the DropDownList (model.ProjectManager)  is properly associate to the one bound to the Grid.

You could use the following demo for a reference how to associate the DropDownList with the Grid. The DropDownList is bound to a CategoryViewModel:

public class CategoryViewModel
   public int CategoryID { get; set; }
   public string CategoryName { get; set; }

@model Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.CategoryViewModel
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m)

 and the Grid is bound to ProductViewModel which has a Category property of type CategoryViewModel which is later used for binding the DropDownList.

If you could send us a simple isolated project with the scenario we will be able to provide you more detailed assistance with binding the DropDownList and successfully setting the selected item.

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